Zelma Keny Mcfarlane
Blog or Wiki Address: http://www.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=4428162809242134280
Subject Matter: Science
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Lesson Objective:
Learners will demonstrate knowledge of/understanding of/ability to name the life cycle of a “Green Bean Plant.” They will be able to draw a picture and to name the different stages a green bean plant goes through from the seed.
- Subject Matter Content Standard: English Language Arts Standards » Writing » Text Types and Purposes 3. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/index.asp).
Website Addresses Used as Resources: (2-3)
1. Life cycle of a Green Bean Plant: This website has great links to videos of children experimenting and watching their plants grow in the garden and inside the classroom. Also talks about what are the things that a green bean plant must have to grow and mature. http://www.gardenguides.com/95531-life-cycle-green-bean-plant.html
2. Activities and Crafts About Plants: This website gives mini printable writing books about green bean plants. Children can color the pages, draw the different parts of the green bean plant and read the story that comes along with the pages. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/plants/
3. Life Cycle of Bean Plant: This website tells the reader about each step the green bean plants takes from the seed to a mature plant. It also talks about the type of insects that pollinates the green bean plant. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/life-cycle-of-bean-plant.html
Student Research Questions:
Essential Question:
1. What are the 3 most important things plants need to grow?
Subsidiary Questions (5-10):
2. What comes out of the green bean seed when it germinates?
3. How does the green bean plant make its food?
4. How long does a green bean plant take to mature?
5. What is the stem for?
6. Why do green bean plants need flowers?
7. What kind of insect pollinates the flowers?
Assessment: In what ways did the use of the Internet promote student learning? How will you assess student learning with this assignment?
I used the internet to promote student learning by having them look at the monitor screen and have them type out the questions the classroom had. We goggled the information and were able to find specific on the life cycle of a green bean plant. I will assess student learning with this assignment, by asking open ended questions, by making observations of the children while they explore they observe the green beans that they have planted in a clear plastic bag with soil and water. Look at their drawings and help children use appropriate wording to name the different parts of the green bean plant.